Universal Periodic Review 30: Canada
This UK statement was delivered during the 30th session of the Universal Period Review during the discussion of Canada's Human Rights Record on 11 May 2018.
The Universal Periodic Review takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
The UK welcomes Canada’s leadership in support of global human rights issues and its long-standing engagement with international human rights mechanisms. We commend the creation of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in 2016, but note that violence against women, especially aboriginal women, remains a problem.
We recommend:
to continue working with partners, at all levels, to address the significant levels of violence against aboriginal women, and its root causes
to sign and ratify OP-CAT, in line with the 2013 announcement that Canada would begin the process of joining
to revise its National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking to reflect international commitments Canada has subsequently made in this area