Universal Periodic Review 30: Russia
This UK statement was delivered during the 30th session of the Universal Period Review during the discussion of Russia's Human Rights Record on 14 May 2018.

The Universal Periodic Review takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
The UK thanks the Russian Federation for its national report.
We remain concerned by the deteriorating human rights situation in Russia, its reckless disregard for the international commitments it has signed up to, and Russian action in its neighbourhood – including in the illegally annexed Crimean peninsula.
We recommend:
Ensure the protection of LGBT rights across Russia, including by investigating ongoing persecution of human rights activists and LGBT individuals in Chechnya.
Uphold obligations under international law to allow access to Crimea for international human rights monitors.
End impunity for attacks on journalists and human rights activists, and ensure space for civil society and opposition politicians to operate without fear of reprisals.