Universal Periodic Review 33: Equatorial Guinea
The UK welcomes Equatorial Guinea’s engagement with the UPR and the recent efforts to tackle human trafficking. However, the UK remains concerned by the limited human rights progress since its 2014 review.
The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva, Switzerland.
Thank you,
The UK welcomes Equatorial Guinea’s engagement with the UPR and the recent efforts to tackle human trafficking. We urge the Government to further build on this, including through provision of anti-trafficking training to law enforcement, support to victims of human trafficking, in particular women and children, and prosecution of those responsible.
However, we remain concerned by the limited human rights progress since its 2014 review.
Severe restrictions on democratic space, freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly remain and we are concerned by the lack of an independent media. Human rights defenders, opposition members and activitists continue to be victims of harassment, intimidation, arbitrary detention as well as torture and inhuman, degrading treatment. The Government has made insufficient efforts to investigate violations or hold anyone account.
We recommend:
Fully implementing the national plan to combat trafficking in persons and human smuggling, including developing procedures to proactively identify victims and ensure adequate victim protection and care.
Promoting freedom of expression for the press and media and ceasing the imprisonment of journalists by decriminalising defamation.
Accepting a visit from the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.
Thank you.