Universal Periodic Review 33: Qatar
UK notes Qatar's improved protections for migrant workers, although we remain concerned about progress on implementation of amendments to the labour law.
The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva, Switzerland.
Thank you, Mr President,
The UK recognises Qatar’s progress since its 2014 review. We welcome Qatar’s ratification of the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as Civil and Political Rights, and its support for the Call to Action to End Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Forced Labour.
We note improved protections for migrant workers, although we remain concerned about progress on implementation of amendments to the labour law, including the minimum wage, and ensuring safeguards for domestic and migrant workers. We also hope the current moratorium on the death penalty becomes permanent.
We recommend:
1) Amending its human trafficking legislation to ensure effective prosecution of violations.
2) Increasing protection of freedom of expression, particularly in the media, through swift, effective implementation of the recent media law.
3) Adopting an open, merit-based selection process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections
Thank you.