Universal Periodic Review 48: UK Statement on Bolivia
UK Statement at Bolivia's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Delivered on 21 January 2025.

Thank you, Mr President,
The United Kingdom thanks the Bolivian delegation for setting out its efforts to protect human rights and welcomes progress by Bolivia since its last review in 2019. We look forward to Bolivia developing further improvements in key areas.
We recommend that Bolivia:
Increase oversight and scrutiny as part of a wider plan to ensure the independence, impartiality and integrity of the Bolivian judiciary, in the next five years.
Strengthen and develop the training and capacity building of law enforcement and the judiciary, to enable the implementation of those laws designed to protect women and girls from violence and exploitation.
Takes steps to ensure greater legal and practical protection for journalists to enable them to fulfil their roles free from legal, political and economic pressure or harassment.
Thank you.