Universal Periodic Review 48: UK Statement on Fiji
UK Statement at Fiji's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Thank you Mr Vice President.
We warmly welcome the delegation, and congratulate Fiji on their progress since their last review.
We commend Fiji’s repeal of the Media Industry Development Act and the resulting improvements this has made to independent journalism, and we encourage Fiji to continue fostering a pluralistic civic space which protects the rights of peaceful protest and assembly.
We call on Fiji to increase efforts to tackle domestic violence, and to review and strengthen prosecutions and punishment of child abuse offenders, and to continue developing access to justice, ensuring that minorities can access support.
We recommend Fiji:
1) Expedites visits by the UN special rapporteurs on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, on rights of peaceful assembly and association, on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and on the situation of Human Rights Defenders.
2) Enshrines in national legislation the right to education and guarantee at least twelve years of free primary and secondary education, with at least nine compulsory years.
3) Ensures an open and merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN treaty body elections.
Thank you.