Universal Periodic Review 48: UK Statement on The Gambia
UK Statement at The Gambia's Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Thank you Mr Vice President,
We warmly welcome The Gambia’s engagement in Geneva as a member of the Human Rights Council and its progress since the last UPR cycle. We welcome, in particular, efforts to maintain the ban on Female Genital Mutilation, and the passage of legislation on torture and anti-corruption.
We are also pleased that the National Human Rights Commission is developing into a strong and independent institution.
However, areas of concern remain, particularly around women’s and girls’ rights, and gender-based violence. We have three recommendations:
Take further concrete steps to end gender-based violence and ensure accountability.
2. Promote gender equality by setting clear targets on women’s political participation. -
Fully implement the recommendations of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission without delay.
We wish The Gambia a successful completion of its review.
Thank you. Mr Vice President.