Update for Carillion workers: claiming redundancy payments
We are prioritising the payment of redundancy payments owed to Carillion employees who have been made redundant.

All employees of the group will be eligible to make a claim for redundancy, including those transferring to new suppliers.
We have established a specialist team spanning both the Redundancy Payments Service in the Insolvency Service and the company’s HR department to process these payments as quickly as possible. You should expect receive the information you need to submit your claim within seven days of being made redundant or transferring to a new employer.
As a result of the systems we have established to prioritise these payments we are aiming to pay your claim quicker than our agreed 14 day target.
Additional information
- in total, to date 6,668 jobs have been saved and 989 jobs have been made redundant through the liquidation
- further information about rights in redundancy is available on gov.uk
- continued support by Carillion’s public and private sector customers is enabling as many employees as possible to be retained in the interim until all contracts have been worked through