Update: NWS’ marine geophysical survey successfully completed
Investigations off the coast of Copeland to provide data about the potential of deep geology to host a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).

NWS’ first marine geophysical survey off the coast of Copeland, Cumbria, was successfully completed on 18 August. This non-intrusive survey has gathered data to provide a better understanding of the deep geology and supports the search to find a suitable site for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
The survey was undertaken by specialists Shearwater GeoServices, took place over a period of around three weeks utilising the SW Bly, a 92-metre vessel carrying specialist acoustic equipment operating 5km-20km from the coastline.
Nuclear Waste Services is the developer of a GDF and is committed to environmental protection at all times. For the survey, this included securing all the necessary permissions. As best practice and also to comply with the permissions, a team of specialist observers were onboard the SW Bly and kept 24/7 observations from the bridge of the vessel for any mammals and birds. Throughout the survey, there were no safety or environmental incidents, and all mammal sightings were reported back to the Marine Management Organisation.
Detailed analysis of the data collected from the surveys will be undertaken over the next 18 months and the conclusions will be shared with communities to support discussions about the potential of an area to host a GDF.
For more information, see our story announcing the start of the survey.
The search for a suitable site for a GDF is based on consent from a willing community. Learn more about geological disposal.