News story

Update on Charity Commission board and subcommittees

Further information relating the announcement on membership of the board of the Charity Commission.

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Following on from today’s announcement regarding recruitment and membership of the Charity Commission board, the following is a breakdown of membership of sub-committees.

This will be reviewed when the new board is in place and update will be published. Details of the application for membership of the Charity Commission board are available online.

Charity Commission board

William Shawcross (chairman), Eryl Besse (deputy chairman), Orlando Fraser, Claire Dove (until 30th June), Mike Ashley, Tony Leifer and Gwythian Prins.

Audit and Risk Committee

Mike Ashley (chairman), Gwythian Prins.

Transform Project Oversight Committee

William Shawcross (chairman), Eryl Besse, Gwythian Prins, Mike Ashley

Policy and Guidance Committee

Orlando Fraser (chairman), Eryl Besse, Tony Leifer, Claire Dove.

Public Interest and High-Risk Cases Committee

Tony Leifer (chairman), Orlando Fraser, Eryl Besse.

Deputy chairman

Eryl Besse has been named as deputy chairman. The position of deputy chairman is not a statutory role, but Eryl will, in governance terms, fulfil this role until the end of William Shawcross’s term.

Eryl has made a substantial contribution to the Charity Commission and its board. Her work greatly exceeds that expected of a board member. She has overseen numerous vital projects and represented the commission jointly with the executive at external meetings, as well as having a specific focus on charities in Wales.

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Published 26 May 2016