Press release

Update on investigation into 'Bacillus cereus' infections

Update on PHE and MHRA investigation into cases of septicaemia caused by 'Bacillus cereus'.

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This news story has been withdrawn because it’s over 5 years old. See PHE’s latest news.


Public Health England (PHE) can report three further cases of blood poisoning (septicaemia) in babies at neonatal intensive care units in England who had received the potentially affected batches of intravenous liquid, taking the total number of cases to 18, with 1 death.

The babies, who became unwell last week, are responding to antibiotic treatment.

No new cases have occurred since 2 June 2014, when the batches of the affected stock expired, however there is a possibility that babies who developed an infection last week or over the weekend will be reported as a result of our investigations. Following the Class 1 drug alert by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to support the manufacturer’s recall of the product on 3 June 2014, we are confident that any remaining stock of this medicine is not being used in hospitals.

The MHRA is continuing its investigation into this incident and the manufacturer is co-operating fully.


Notes to Editors

  • One confirmed case at Peterborough City Hospital - baby with clinical symptoms and a positive test for ‘Bacillus cereus’
  • One probable case at Southend University Hospital – baby with clinical symptoms, awaiting confirmation on further testing
  • One possible case at Basildon University Hospital – baby with clinical symptoms, blood testing did not confirm the infection

Read the PHE/MHRA press release – 4 June 2014

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Published 5 June 2014