News story

Update to accelerating the release of surplus public sector land

An update letter to the NHS updates them on their contribution to accelerating the release of surplus public sector land initiative.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

This also provides further information on the assistance available to them. This follows the government’s publication of a progress report relating to the ambition to release enough surplus land for 100,000 homes by 2015 on the 7 May 2012.

Support for the NHS in identifying and delivering surplus land is available through the build now, pay later and ATLAS (Advisory Team for Large Applications) schemes. In addition, assistance from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) directly may also be available.

NHS organisations are also asked to add their surplus property to the register of surplus public sector land  which is now part of the government’s e-PIMS property data base.

Read the letter accelerating the release of surplus public sector land initiative from David Flory, Deputy NHS Chief Executive.

The initiative was announced on 8 June 2011 by the Minister of State for Housing and Local Government.  The Department is working with Government and the Homes and Communities Agency  to look at ways that will enable surplus land to be disposed of more quickly.

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Published 19 June 2012