Vehicle operator licensing: moving away from paper to improve our service to you
In this latest joint blog from the Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain and the Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland, we find out about the latest developments to online operator licensing services for major applications.

Do you know that there are approaching 82,000 operator licence holders in the UK and that 89% of all these licence holders now have a VOL digital account?
Over 94% of major applications are now being made online.
Using our online service helps us deal with your applications quicker than those submitted by paper. That lets us be more efficient and those that use the service can get online help as they make applications.
Improving the service
From 1 August 2022, we will no longer be accepting paper applications for new licences, and for major changes to existing licences.
Many applications made on paper forms are on old, outdated forms that we can’t accept, and this delays applications.
We are constantly looking to improve the VOL system. We’ve grown it and developed it so that compliant businesses can apply for a licence, make major changes to it, continue (renew) the licence and if they need to, surrender the licence online. Most applications are being made using this faster digital service.
We have recently introduced an application checker so that those making an online application for a new licence can see the important things needed to get their application right first time. They then receive in line guidance as they complete the application.
Submitting a fully completed online application with all supporting evidence cuts down on extra work for you and for us. It means that our caseworkers can deal with your applications quickly and get you on the road and compliant faster.
For these reasons, from 1 August 2022 you won’t be able to submit major applications using paper forms.
Next Steps
We will be changing our pages on GOV.UK and writing to all existing operators and trade associations to make them aware of changes, giving them at least four weeks’ notice.
Those making a new application should register to use VOL before they need to make their application.
Those already operating should also register for VOL if they don’t already have an online account. All operators should now use the digital service to make major changes to their licence.
Register now or make changes to your licence at
Our overall aim is to reduce application processing times. Once this is in place, we will look at further opportunities for moving other licensing services online.
Helping those unable to use the digital service
We know that a small number of you won’t be able to use the digital service and we will be providing a full assisted digital service for those unable to submit an application online. For GB you can start this help by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 9000 and for Northern Ireland by contacting 0300 200 7831