Press release

Village channel clearance reduces flood risk

The Environment Agency has joined forces with The Skill Mill to reduce the risk of flooding in a Northumberland village

The Environment Agency has joined forces with social enterprise The Skill Mill to carry out work to reduce the risk of flooding in a Northumberland village.

They cleared silt which had built up over the years from the side of the channel through Wark, in Tynedale.

It means the capacity of the channel is increased and can take more water, improving the flow and ensuring water passes through the culvert more easily.

The pre-planned work took place last week.

Ian Doughty, Field Operations Team Leader for the Environment Agency in the North East, said:

We carry out regular work across the North East to ensure rivers and watercourses are free from obstructions which might increase the risk of flooding.

The planned work which took place in Wark last week saw the capacity of the channel increased and silt which was restricting the flow through the culvert removed, reducing the risk of flooding.

We regularly work closely with The Skill Mill ensuring they get vital work experience in the field.

The Skill Mill is a social enterprise providing employment for young people in watercourse and horticultural services. The Environment Agency works with the team regularly.

Skill Mill Director David Parks added:

The Skill Mill Team has benefited greatly from working alongside the Environment Agency Field Teams over the past two years.

There has been a real camaraderie and willingness to share expertise and help the young employees learn new skills.

The work at Wark has been another excellent example of this co-working and how much can be achieved when we join forces. It also goes to show that The Skill Mill team isn’t afraid of a bit of muck!

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Published 8 February 2016