News story

Vince Cable and Mark Prisk host first Small Business Economic Forum

The Forum brought together banks, businesses representatives and ministers, following last Wednesday’s publication of the banking Taskforce,…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Forum brought together banks, businesses representatives and ministers, following last Wednesday’s publication of the banking Taskforce, Supporting UK Businesses.

The participants discussed responses to the recent Government green paper, ‘Financing a Private Sector Recovery’, and debated the findings of the Taskforce.

The Forum, chaired by Mr Prisk, will meet up to four times a year. It is an opportunity for businesses representatives and small businesses to share their views with Ministers on enterprise issues, in particular economic issues facing small firms.

Banks will be invited to attend when finance matters are on the agenda. Lord Sassoon, Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, is also a member.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said:

“To create the environment for businesses to flourish and boost economic growth Government must keep an open dialogue with industry. The Small Business Economic Forum is an excellent way to do that.

“It is also critical that banks are in attendance. The availability of credit on reasonable terms is absolutely crucial to recovery. So far there is much frustration over banks’ behaviour and this was a good opportunity to hear the views of business on bank lending and banks’ proposals for improving the flow of finance.”

Small Business Minister Mark Prisk said:

“Having started my own business I understand the importance of a working relationship with your bank. In chairing the Small Business Economic Forum I want to ensure that the relationship between businesses and banks is improved and that small businesses are able to access the vital funding they need.”

Notes to Editors

  1. The Small Business Economic Forum consists of business representative bodies and individual entrepreneurs. It is chaired by Mark Prisk and will meet up to four times a year. Banks will be invited to attend when finance matters are on the agenda.

  2. The first meeting discussed:

  • Agreement of terms of reference for the Forum
  • The recent BIS Finance Green Paper ‘Financing a Private Sector Recovery’
  • British Bankers’ Association Taskforce recommendations
  1. Forum members:
  • Mark Prisk - Minister for Business and Enterprise, BIS (Chair)
  • Lord Sassoon - Commercial Secretary to the Treasury
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
  • British Chamber of Commerce
  • Confederation of British Industry
  • Social Enterprise Coalition
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
  • Institute of Credit Managers
  • Forum of Private Business
  • EEF
  • Institute of Directors
  • Federation of Small Businesses
  • Individual entrepreneurs/small businesses
  1. Additional Invitees
  • National Australia Bank Group
  • Barclays
  • Santander
  • British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • British Bankers’ Association
  • Bank of England
  • Lloyds TSB
  • HSBC
  • Asset Based Finance Association
  • Finance and Leasing Association
  1. BIS’ online newsroom contains the latest press notices, speeches, as well as video and images for download. It also features an up to date list of BIS press office contacts. See for more information.

Notes to Editors

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Published 18 October 2010