News story

Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited: information for creditors and interested parties

Information for creditors and interested parties of Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited in liquidation.

On 25 October 2022, winding-up orders were made against Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited and the court appointed the Official Receiver, Gareth Jonathan Allen, as Liquidator.

Following an application made by the Official Receiver, the court has also appointed Alan Hudson and Joanne Robinson of Ernst & Young LLP as Special Managers of the companies. The Special Managers have been appointed to assist the Official Receiver with the liquidations.

The Official Receiver continues to wind down of the affairs of Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited. All cloud based services provided by UKCloud Limited have ceased and the former customers of UKCloud Limited have now migrated to other suppliers.

In line with his statutory duties, the Official Receiver is continuing to investigate the cause of the companies’ insolvency and the conduct of current and former directors.

Information for customers and suppliers

If you are a customer of Virtual Infrastructure Limited and UKCloud Limited, please contact the Special Managers via email:

If you are a supplier of Virtual Infrastructure Limited and UKCloud Limited, please contact the Special Managers via email:

Information for employees

If you were an employee of Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited or UKCloud Limited, and were dismissed following the winding up order, the information in this section provides advice about claiming money you’re owed and where you can seek support.

Who is eligible?

You can apply to the Insolvency Service for redundancy and other payments if:

  • you worked for these companies under an employment contract
  • you live in England, Scotland or Wales.

How to apply

The Official Receiver will give you details about how to apply and will also give you a case reference number (for example CN12345678).

Once you have this information you can apply online.

What you can apply for

What you can apply for depends on your circumstances. The Insolvency Service can pay:

  • money you’re owed by Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited, for example unpaid wages, overtime and commission
  • redundancy pay: if you’ve worked for Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited or UKCloud Limited for at least 2 years
  • pro rata holiday pay (known as ‘holiday pay accrued’): the leave you were entitled to take between the start of your leave year and the date you were made redundant
  • holiday pay taken (HPT): if Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited or UKCloud Limited hasn’t paid you for annual leave you took before liquidation
  • statutory notice pay: if you’ve worked for Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited or UKCloud Limited for at least 1 month

There are caps on what we can pay you for each type of claim. Find out how much we can pay you.

Paying your claim

The Insolvency Service’s Redundancy Payments Service aims to make payments for redundancy pay and related claims within 6 weeks of receiving your completed application, and information from the insolvency practitioner.

Find more information about what we can pay.

Please avoid contacting The Insolvency Service about how to claim or to check the status of your application. This will help deal with everyone’s application as quickly as possible.

Information for creditors

You will need to register as a creditor in the liquidation if:

  • you have not been paid for goods or services you’ve supplied to Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited (in liquidation)
  • you have paid Virtual Infrastructure Group Limited and UKCloud Limited (in liquidation) for goods or services that you have not received

To register as a creditor you will need to complete a Proof of Debt form which you should then email to

Once you have registered and the Official Receiver receives your Proof of Debt form he will add you to the list of creditors and include you on future correspondence about the case.

Updates to this page

Published 25 October 2022
Last updated 22 February 2023 show all updates
  1. Opening text updated in regard to the continuation of winding down of affairs.

  2. First published.