Waste water and gas treatment: new best available techniques published
New Commission Implementing Decision establishes best available techniques (BAT) for waste water and waste gas treatment/management systems in the chemical sector

The European Commission has published Commission Implementing Decision 2016/902 which describes the best available techniques (BAT) for setting permit conditions of installations covered by Chapter II of Commission Directive 2010/75/EU. The competent authorities should set emission limit values to ensure that, under normal operating conditions, emissions do not exceed the emission levels associated with the best available techniques as laid down in the BAT conclusions.
Under Section 2 ‘Monitoring’ of the Annex to 2016/902, the best available techniques are described.
For relevant emissions to water as identified by the inventory of waste water streams …, BAT is to monitor key process parameters (including continuous monitoring of waste water flow, pH and temperature) at key locations (e.g. influent to pre-treatment and influent to final treatment).
BAT is to monitor emissions to water in accordance with EN standards with at least the minimum frequency given [in 2016/902]. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or other international standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality.
BAT is to periodically monitor diffuse VOC emissions to air from relevant sources by using an appropriate combination of the techniques 1-3 or, where large amounts of VOC are handled, all of the techniques 1-3.
- sniffing methods (e.g. with portable instruments according to EN 15446) associated with correlation curves for key equipment
- optical gas imaging methods
- calculation of emissions based on emissions factors, periodically validated (e.g. once every two years) by measurements
BAT is to periodically monitor odour emissions from relevant sources in accordance with EN standards.
This is effective from 9 June 2016