World news story

Webinar outlines business opportunities in New Zealand

UKTI New Zealand is reaching out to UK companies new to exporting by holding a webinar

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Business opportunities New Zealand

Business opportunities New Zealand

This is to highlight the business opportunities for UK companies in this small, but potentially valuable market.

New Zealand may be a small market, but this can have advantages for those new to exporting, especially with the many business and cultural similarities between the UK and NZ.

In the Corruption Perceptions Index (2012), New Zealand is rated the least corrupt country in which to do business and also one of the easiest in which to do business by the World Bank (2013), which makes it a fantastic place for companies new to exporting. NZ has a stable political environment and the economy is doing well compared to many in the OECD.

Opportunities are diverse. New Zealand can be the ideal test market for niche and high value products or services or there may be a huge opportunity for those companies involved in the construction and infrastructure sectors due to the massive rebuild project of Christchurch city.

Join the upcoming webinar to find out where the opportunities are in New Zealand and what help is available to you as a UK company. Also learn about upcoming trade missions.

Capture Export Opportunities in New Zealand

12 September, 9am – 10am (UK)

New Zealand is a vibrant and beautiful destination with a strong, stable economy and numerous tariff-free trade agreements. For ease of doing business, New Zealand is a smart choice! A nation of early adopters with a well educated and sophisticated consumer base, New Zealand is an ideal test market for niche, high value and cutting edge products and services.

For both new and experienced exporters across all sectors, we will outline the main opportunities for British companies and explain how UKTI can help you capture market share as well as inform you of upcoming trade missions. Contact Jeannine Walsh by email for more information


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Published 6 September 2013