Press release

Weekend flood outlook – persistent rain and gales forecast

Flood statement on 5 February 2016

Environment Agency teams are out on the ground monitoring the situation

Environment Agency teams are out on the ground monitoring the situation

The Met Office is forecasting persistent and at times heavy rain during much of Saturday and into Sunday morning across the south-west and parts of southern and central England. There is a risk some communities may experience river and surface water flooding of properties and of roads, particularly in south west counties from Hampshire through to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The Somerset Levels and Moors a‎re not forecast to expect any flooding impacts.

Large waves are also forecast to occur around south and west coasts of England over the weekend and into Monday. Spray and wave overtopping is possible and people should take care on exposed coastal promenades.

Environment Agency teams, as always, are out on the ground monitoring the situation and will issue flood warnings and alerts as required. We will also support local authorities who will respond to incidents of surface water flooding. The public can keep up to date with the latest situation on GOV.UK or follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter for the latest updates.

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Published 5 February 2016