Welcome to the new home on the web for Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)
GOV.UK is the new place for corporate and policy information from Defra.

Defra has now moved its content to the new GOV.UK website. All remaining ministerial departments are due to move in the next couple of months.
GOV.UK makes it simpler, clearer and faster to find out:
- how the government works
- what the government is doing
- how you can get involved
You can find out more about GOV.UK from the Government Digital Service Inside Government tour and introductory video.
You can now see information from multiple government departments, grouped by topic. For example, you can see how Defra is contributing to protecting biodiversity and ecosystems at home and abroad by exploring the topic on the environment.
Clear policies
Departments and agencies that have moved to GOV.UK are publishing information about their policies according to the outcome the government is trying to achieve.
For example, Defra contributes to policies on:
- making the food and farming industry more competitive while protecting the environment
- reducing the threats of flooding and coastal change
- stimulating economic growth in rural areas
For each policy, you can see all the related announcements, consultations and publications in a single list called ‘Latest’. This makes it easy for you to track what is happening on the policies that interest you. For example, ‘Rural broadband fund third round launched’ is one of the latest announcements for the policy on stimulating economic growth in rural areas.
More about Inside Government and GOV.UK
Inside Government is still a work in progress, with only some organisations live. Work will continue as other departments and organisations, many hundreds in total, move their information to GOV.UK. This will happen in batches and will be completed during 2014.