Welcome to the new Standing Junior Counsel to the Advocate General for Scotland – 2024 Appointments
The Advocate General for Scotland is pleased to announce a new panel of Standing Junior Counsel

Following the recent appointment process, the Advocate General for Scotland is pleased to announce a new panel of Standing Junior Counsel to deal with UK Government work arising in the Scottish Courts. The appointments, which have been approved by her, are as follows:
Adam McKinlay
Alan Cowan
Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crosbie
Ayla Iridag
Carla Fraser
Chris Stephen
David Massaro
Elisabeth Roxburgh
Giles Reid
Graham Middleton
Grant Markie
Kirsty Tyre
Megan Dewart
Neale Tosh
Ross Anderson
Simon Crabb
Yvonne Waugh
New appointments
Clara Smeaton
Gavin Dingley
Mark Hastings
Rachel Breen
Scott Clair
In addition, Roddy MacLeod has been appointed as Second Standing Junior, to work alongside Graham Maciver who continues as First Standing Junior.
The appointments are for a period of four years.
The Advocate General for Scotland would wish to congratulate all of those who have been successful.