Press release

Werrington YOI: YJB response to HMIP report

The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) welcomes HM Inspectorate of Prisons report into Werrington under-18 Young Offender Institution (YOI).

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

The YJB is pleased to note that HM Inspectorate of Prison’s latest report into Werrington YOI is positive overall and acknowledges the many improvements that have been made since the last inspection in 2013.

It is clear that the Governor and staff have also worked hard to increase the education and training opportunities offered to young people in their care.

We also note the acknowledgement of Werrington’s resettlement work as being well organised and effective in working with local partners to secure successful outcomes. Werrington can build on this and engage with the new Greater Manchester resettlement consortia and ‘Turn Around to Work’ initiatives that the YJB launched in November last year.

It is clear from the report that there is still room for improvement and a need to maintain the downward trend in violence that it highlights. The YJB is already working closely with the National Offender Management Service and other partners to address violence and its root causes across the secure estate.

Further, staff at Werrington are being trained to carry out Minimising and Managing Physical Restraint – a proven practice through which staff can recognise young people’s behaviour, and use a range of de-escalation, diversion and behaviour management techniques to help them deal with it effectively and appropriately.

Notes to editors

  1. Read the report on the HM Inspectorate of Prisons website

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Published 29 January 2015