What’s changing at Ofsted in autumn 2019?
You may notice some changes to some of the Ofsted services and GOV.UK pages. Here’s a round-up of these changes.

The new framework
The main change is that we have a new framework, which inspectors will be using in their work of inspecting early years settings, schools, FE and skills providers and independent schools. This will start at the beginning of September 2019. The education inspection framework will replace the common inspection framework – so please update any bookmarks or links you may be using.
There are also new guides for providers and school leaders on what to expect from an inspection, and how best to prepare.
If you would like to know more, please look at our YouTube playlist on the education inspection framework, or this blog from Sean Harford, our National Director, Education.
How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: YouTube playlist
Ofsted Parent View
From September 2019, we are updating what we ask in the Ofsted Parent View survey so that it links more closely to our new education inspection framework.
The survey continues to ask parents how strongly they agree or disagree with statements about their child’s school, though the focus of what we ask parents has changed.
We have removed and adapted some of the statements. We have also added new questions including a question for parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This reflects the new framework and responds to requests from parents for a question in this area.
Learner View and Employer View
Currently, both Learner View and Employer View are open all year round.
From 2 September 2019, these surveys will be held on a new platform and shared by providers.
Currently, colleges and further education and apprenticeship training providers send a link to learners, employers, parents/carers of learners and provider staff during an Ofsted inspection so they can give their views on these surveys. This will not change. However, these surveys will now only be open during an inspection.
We have reviewed and adapted the questions asked to make them more useful for learners and employers and better suited to the new inspection framework.
Finding our information
We will be keeping the content on GOV.UK about the previous framework and inspections until October 2019. After that, they will be available on the National Archive.
We will also be adding links on all relevant pages to the new guidance and handbooks. After October, we will redirect links and bookmarks to the new information.
We are also making sure that all our content has improved accessibility and simplified navigation to make it easier to find what you need.
Over the weekend of 1 and 2 September, some services such as Ofsted Parent View may be affected. We apologise for any problems this may cause.