Press release

Winter Supplementary Estimates 2010-11

Winter Supplementary Estimates seek authority for expenditure by departments of £5.8 billion in resources and £5.7 billion in cash.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Winter Supplementary Estimates, presented to the House of Commons today as HC536, seek authority for expenditure by government departments of £5.8 billion in resources and £5.7 billion in cash. The Estimates seek parliamentary authority for increased resources and cash both for existing services and for any necessary new services.

These Estimates do not involve any change in total Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL) expenditure plans because any increases sought have either been offset by savings elsewhere in departmental spending programmes or charged to the DEL Reserve. Changes to Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) since the June Budget will be reflected in the OBR Autumn forecast.

Within the overall increase there are:

  • claims on the DEL Reserve of £341.6 million, of which £297 million is resource DEL and £44.5 million capital DEL; and
  • £999.1 million take up of End Year Flexibility (provision carried forward from previous years) and;
  • an increase of £3.0 billion in the departmental programmes within AME.

Notes for Editors

  1. The Winter Supplementary Estimates 2010-11 can be found on the HM Treasury website.

  2. A further round of Supplementary Estimates for 2010-11 will be presented in the Spring.

  3. The Winter Supplementary Estimates will only show any increases to AME expenditure since the publication of the Main Estimates. This does not imply an equivalent increase in the fiscal forecast. The OBR will publish changes to the forecast, including estimates for AME in 2010-11, in its Autumn forecast.

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Published 23 November 2010