News story

Withdrawal of Land Registry fax channel for lodgement

From 14 September, Land Registry is withdrawing fax as a lodgement channel.

fax machine

We will therefore no longer accept faxes or issue results by fax for:

  • any preliminary service applications, such as official copy or official search of whole
  • correspondence such as replies to requisitions, queries or objection notices

Land Charges services (including applications for a search of the Index of Proprietors’ Names made in form PN1) will not be affected by this change.

The use of fax has steadily declined as customers switch to our online services. Over 99% of preliminary service applications were submitted electronically in the last 12 months. The information we receive in faxed correspondence is often a repeat of an email, phone call or correspondence received by post or electronically.

There are a number of alternatives which customers can use to lodge their applications and correspondence instantly, such as the portal (our online transactional channel), and email.

Whilst the majority of preliminary service applications can be lodged electronically we have recognised a need to improve lodgement for Historical Copies (HC1) applications. Therefore, from 14 September customers with variable direct debit accounts will be able to lodge HC1 applications (for register entries only) using email. This method of lodgement will attract a reduced fee of £3 per title.

Withdrawing fax is another step on our path to becoming a more-digital organisation. It also supports our contribution towards the aims of the Greening Government: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy which sets out how government ICT will contribute to green commitments and deliver financial savings as well as efficient, green practices.

Please contact us for further information.

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Published 3 September 2015