Press release

Work begins on flood alleviation schemes in Louth and Horncastle

Construction on long-awaited flood alleviation schemes in Louth and Horncastle is set to start this month.

The schemes will see flood storage reservoirs built outside the towns to help manage flows on the Rivers Lud and Bain when these are high. Both rivers most recently flooded in 2007, affecting 200 properties.

Planning permission for both schemes has been granted, archaeological surveys of the sites are being carried out, and construction will begin shortly.

Every effort will be made to minimise any disruption from the work to local residents, although no disruption is expected, and both schemes should be completed by spring 2016.

The £6.5m Louth scheme and the £8.1m Horncastle scheme are funded and delivered by a partnership of Lincolnshire County Council, the Environment Agency, East Lindsey District Council, and the Lindsey Marsh and Witham Third Internal Drainage Boards. The ongoing maintenance will be funded by Louth and Horncastle Town Councils. The Environment Agency has led on developing the scheme and construction will be undertaken by their contractors.

Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Risk (FCRM) Manager Deborah Campbell – chair of the project board – said:

Seeing the Louth and Horncastle flood alleviation schemes built is a huge success for the local communities and all the agencies involved. It is the result of close cooperation and partnership working over a period of years.

These flood storage reservoirs will help reduce the risk of river flooding to hundreds of houses and businesses in these towns – something we have seen happen multiple times in the past. However, we’d still encourage people to sign up for free flood warnings from the Environment Agency to ensure communities are aware and can take timely appropriate action.

Key information about the Louth flood alleviation scheme:

  • Two reservoirs will be built outside Louth; 1 will be located off the A157 adjacent to the A16, and the other will be off Halfpenny Lane, also adjacent to the A16.
  • Planning permission was granted by East Lindsey District Council in April.
  • The reservoirs will reduce the risk of flooding to 355 properties at risk from the River Lud.
  • The north reservoir’s embankment will measure 150m long and the south reservoir will measure 200m.

Key information about the Horncastle flood alleviation scheme:

  • The reservoir will be located off the B1225 north of Hemingby.
  • Planning permission was granted by East Lindsey District Council in June.
  • The reservoir will reduce flood risk from the River Bain to 170 properties in Horncastle, plus properties in the downstream villages of Haltham and Kirkby-on-Bain.
  • The embankment of the reservoir will measure 800m long.

Sign up for free flood warnings by text, phone call or email from the Environment Agency by calling 0345 988 1188 or alternatively flood warnings page.

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Published 5 August 2015