World news story

WTO Dispute Settlement Body: UK statement

The statement was delivered during Agenda item 7: Appellate Body Appointments -- Proposal by Various Members

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The WTO is headquartered in Geneva

Thank you, Chair.

The United Kingdom continues its support for this proposal for the launch of the selection processes.

The United Kingdom supports a fully functioning dispute settlement system as the best means of enforcing the rules we have negotiated. The WTO dispute settlement system is vital in upholding the rights of Members - ensuring the fair resolution of disagreements and preventing recourse to unilateral measures.

We welcomed the call of the Director General, in her General Council remarks last month, for a road map towards reform and a work programme to achieve this which can be endorsed at this year’s Ministerial Conference. The United Kingdom stands ready to engage with all Members in the important discussions to come, to find common ground and solutions on dispute settlement reform.


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Published 29 April 2021