Press release

YJB response to HMIP and Ofsted inspection of Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre

The Youth Justice Board (YJB) acknowledges the findings of the HMI Prisons and Ofsted report into Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre (STC), published today.

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Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

Lin Hinnigan, Chief Executive of the YJB said:

Earlier this year, Ofsted informed the YJB of serious concerns in performance at Rainsbrook STC. As the safety and wellbeing of young people in custody is of paramount importance, and the YJB sets high standards to ensure it is maintained, we immediately required G4S to address the issues swiftly and effectively.

Rainsbrook has new leadership in place and an action plan to improve recruitment and training is being implemented. We are confident that Rainsbrook will return to the high levels of performance and care it previously delivered.


Read the report on the Ofsted website.

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Published 20 May 2015