Press release

YJB response to inspection of the public protection and safeguarding incidents process

HMI Probation report looks at how and when youth offending teams (YOT) report safeguarding and public protection incidents.

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

An Independent review of the YJB’s Community Safeguarding and Public Protection Incidents (CSPPI) process was undertaken by HM Inspectorate of Probation during 2014.

The report into their findings titled ‘An Inspection to Assess the Effectiveness of the Reporting, Monitoring and Learning from the Youth Justice Board’s Community Safeguarding and Public Protection Incident Procedures’ is published today.

A YJB spokesperson said:

This review coincided with the YJB’s own assessment of the Community Safeguarding and Public Protection Incident procedures. Its findings are in line with those of our own assessment exercise - which is welcome.

We are considering our actions in response to all the areas the Review team and the YJB identified for improvement, including where the YJB should lead on and deliver improvements in the way YOTs work; and where we can support others in the youth justice system to improve practices.


You can read the report on the HMI Probation website.

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Published 25 June 2015