Yorkshire communities urged to sign up to new flood warnings
The Environment Agency has launched a new flood warning service this week for 17 areas across Yorkshire – which will warn residents of any imminent risk of flooding.

Guidance on what to do for each level of flood warning
The new flood warnings cover 7,246 properties and will see a warning message issued when flooding is forecast and then again to warn users if impacts are likely.
Residents can register for the new service for free and choose to receive notifications via phone call or text.
The warnings tell people about the risk of flooding to their home or business and helps people make informed decisions about how to respond. There are three types of warning – Flood Alert, Flood Warning and Severe Flood Warning.
Householders are encouraged to prepare if they receive a Flood Alert which could mean packing a bag that includes medicines, insurance documents and anything else they wouldn’t want to lose if flooding were to take place. A Flood Warning calls on people to act now which means turning off gas, water and electricity and moving family and pets to safety. A Severe Flood Warning means you are in immediate danger and to follow advice from emergency services.
Graham Lindsey, flood resilience team leader at the Environment Agency said:
We know the devastating impact that flooding can have, which is why protecting people and communities is our top priority.
These warnings are there to help people prepare for, and become more resilient to, flooding incidents and this new service will allow people to take appropriate action when flooding is forecast. We would encourage all of those in these new flood warning areas to sign up for our free warnings this winter for both their safety and peace of mind.
The new flood warning areas have been added as a result of modelling and new data which is part of the Environment Agency’s constant drive to continually improve the flood warning service.
New areas eligible for the service include the boroughs and districts of Craven, Hambleton, Ryedale, Scarborough and Selby in North Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, Barnsley, Sheffield in South Yorkshire and Kirklees in West Yorkshire.
In total an additional 62,000 properties at risk of flooding will receive Flood Warnings between now and the end of 2022. It is an important part of the implementation of the Environment Agency’s Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy to better protect businesses and homes from flooding and create climate resilient places.
Home and business owners will be auto enrolled to the Flood Warning service via their mobile network. However, to get the most benefit out of the service the Environment Agency is encouraging people to register directly with them by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188, or visiting https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings where they can register preferred contact details.