News story

Zimbabwean brothers serve with RAF in Afghanistan

Two brothers, both originally from Zimbabwe and serving in the RAF, are providing crucial medical services in Afghanistan.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Squadron Leader Sol Masawi and older brother Flight Lieutenant Sydney Masawi are both treating injured personnel at Camp Bastion for the next three months.

Flt Lt Masawi works on the Medical Emergency Response Team that treats casualties as they are flown by helicopter to the hospital in Camp Bastion. His brother works in the hospital and provides aftercare treatment.

Flt Lt Masawi said:

I see this as the peak of my career. Nowhere else in the world can you get to work with the best personnel under such challenging circumstances. The first class medical facilities out here really improve the soldiers’ morale; the troops know they get the best care available.

When Flt Lt Masawi commissioned into the RAF in 2008, he won the Chapman Trophy during his officer training at RAF Cranwell. On return to the UK he is planning to organise his unit’s entry in the Nijmegen March, the world’s largest marching event, held every year in Holland.

Our family provides us all the support we need and they are very proud of us both,” he said.

When asked about sibling rivalry, Flt Lt Masawi said:

Although my younger brother outranks me, I’m catching up quickly!

Sqn Ldr Sol Masawi is keen to support Battle Back, an organisation which helps injured troops recover using team sports and adventurous training.

During his tour, he organised a 5km charity run around Camp Bastion on World Mental Health Day earlier this month to raise funds to support mental health charities back in the UK.

The brothers are keen to make the most of being together in Camp Bastion over the next three months.

Sqn Ldr Masawi said:

It is good to be able to spend time together here in Bastion. When we get back we’ll be much further apart - I’ll be off to Cyprus while Syd will be heading to Plymstock, Devon.

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Published 30 October 2012