About us

The Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group (BFEG) is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Home Office.

The BFEG provides independent ethical advice to the Home Office and its ministers on matters related to the collection, use and retention of biometric and forensic material, and on the use of large and complex data sets.


The BFEG is commissioned to consider the ethical impact on society, groups and individuals in:

  • the collection, retention and use of human biometric identifiers, such as DNA, fingerprints, and face recognition

  • the retention and use of forensic data such as extracted digital forensic material

  • policy and projects from the Forensic Information Databases Strategy Board

  • relevant projects from the Home Office Biometrics programme, including advice on Data Protection Impact Assessments

  • the use of large datasets within the Home Office, including the implementation of systems using machine learning and artificial intelligence

The BFEG also considers:

  • issues raised by key stakeholders such as the Forensic Information Databases Strategy Board, the Biometrics Commissioner, and the Forensic Science Regulator

  • issues raised by members of the BFEG as part of its self-commissioned work (30%)

For more detail on how the BFEG functions and for examples of work the BFEG has completed, read the information sheet.

The framework document

The framework document, updated and published in January 2023, sets out the core responsibilities and aims of the BFEG. It also sets out the governance framework of the BFEG, and the working protocol between the Home Office and the BFEG.

In addition, it outlines that BFEG committee members should:

  • comply at all times with the code of practice for ministerial appointments to public bodies

  • comply at all times with the code of practice for Science Advisory Committees

  • demonstrate adherence to the Nolan Principles of Public Life

The framework document has been agreed between the BFEG and the Home Office.

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