Personal information charter
This information charter sets out the standards you can expect from the Cabinet Office when we collect, hold or use your personal information.
We will ensure that we will treat all personal information in accordance with data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018.
When the Cabinet Office or its agencies collects, holds, uses or processes in any way your personal data, you are entitled to be told:
- the purpose for which the data is being used, and our lawful basis for processing it
- how long we will keep your data, who we will share it with
- whether it will be transferred or accessed outside the UK or EU, and what legal safeguards are in place to protect it
- about any rights you may have, including the right to access your information, or to object to its being used
- about your right to complain to the Information Commissioner if you feel that your personal information has been mishandled
- about the identity of our Data Protection Officer (an independent advisor on data protection matters)
You are also entitled to have your personal information:
- protected and kept secure
- kept accurate and up to date
- not used for purposes which are incompatible with those for which it was collected
- kept only for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it was collected (unless it must be kept as part of the historic record)
More information
You can get more information about what we use personal information for below under privacy notices.
How to access your personal information
If you would like a copy of any personal information that we hold about you, please contact and provide as much information as possible about what information you think we hold.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any concerns about how the department is handling your personal data, you may contact the department’s Data Protection Officer (DPO).
The DPO provides independent advice and monitoring of Cabinet Office’s use of personal information. They can be contacted at the following email address:
Using special category and criminal conviction personal data
The Appropriate Policy Document sets out how the Cabinet Office will protect special category and criminal convictions personal data.
Privacy notices
The privacy notices listed below explain in more detail how we will handle your data in specific circumstances. Some privacy notices have been listed under more than one heading, where appropriate.
Analysis Directorate
- Cabinet Secretariat Cover scheme database privacy notice
- Apprenticeship Database privacy notice
- Cabinet Office annual Civil Service employment survey privacy notice
- Cabinet Office Fast Stream Database privacy notice
- Civil Service People Survey privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for Civil Service COVID-19 Pulse Survey
- Privacy notice for Civil Service Quarterly Location Survey
- Privacy Notice for the Going Forward into Employment project
- Senior Civil Service Database privacy notice
Borders and Protocol Delivery Group
Cabinet Office Corporate
- External contact information privacy notice
- Freedom of Information request and Subject Access request privacy notice
- Privacy notice for Cabinet Office sponsored public appointments
- Privacy notice for correspondence received by the Cabinet Office
- Privacy Notice for Cabinet Office Consultations
Cabinet Office Human Resources and Finance
- SCS Events privacy notice
- Diversity and Inclusion roles and Champions privacy notice
- How the Cabinet Office Handles HR and Finance Personal Information
- Privacy Notice for Cabinet Office usage of the Civil Service (HO) Investigation Service
- Civil Service HR Secondments Unit privacy notice
- Cabinet Office Counter Fraud Privacy Notice
- SCS Declaration of Paid Outside Employment Privacy Notice
Civil Service Group
Civil Service Languages Network
Government People Group
- Careers Website Authors privacy notice
- GPG Capability and Talent privacy notice
- GPG Communications team privacy notice
- GPG CSEP Hub privacy notice
- GPG Diversity and Inclusion Network privacy notice
- GPG Talent privacy notice
- Civil Service Hub for Learning and Development
- Civil Service Employee Policy privacy notice
- Civil Service Jobs privacy notice
- Civil Service Learning privacy notice
- Civil Service Leadership College for Government
- Civil Service Mediation Service privacy notice
- Civil Service Nationality Rules privacy notice
- Civil Service Pensions privacy policy
- Civil Service Workforce Team privacy notice
- Civil Service Workplace Adjustment Team privacy notice
- Diversity Internship Programmes privacy notice
- Fast Stream and Fast Track Programme Data privacy notice
- Government Recruitment Service: LinkedIn and Search privacy policy
- How the Civil Service uses the OneHR platform to store data
- Inclusion Collective Privacy Notice
- Organisational Development and Design (OD&D) Network privacy notice
- The Private Office of the Government Chief People Officer (GCPO) privacy notice
- Research on diverse SCS interview panels - privacy notice and MOU
- Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme (RMSPS) privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for Cross-government Fast Stream Environment Network
- Privacy notice for executive master of public policy programme
- Privacy Notice for Talent Assurance Survey
- Privacy Notice for Civil Service Modernisation Mailing List
- Privacy Notice for the collection of 360 feedback for Senior Civil Servants
- Privacy Notice for T Level Industry Placements
- Senior Talent and Resourcing Privacy Notice
- Privacy Notice for CS Learning & Delivery Network
- GPG Expert Services Digital Meetings privacy notice
- HR Connect newsletter privacy notice
Constitution Group
- Register to vote privacy notice
- Election expenses privacy notice
- Privacy notice: Email distribution list for Modern Registration Division
- Privacy notice for Boundary Commission for England recruitment
- Privacy notice for Cabinet Office ‘One Civil Service Interchange’ database
- Privacy notice for election observer passes
- Privacy notice for Police Area Returning Officers (PARO) recruitment
- Privacy notice for Protecting the Debate consultation
- Privacy Notice: Canvass Reform newsletter and forum
Covid Taskforce
- Privacy notice for Covid-19 response activity
- Privacy Notice for Covid 19 Fraud Hotline
- Privacy Notice for Covid Taskforce Social Media Analysis
Digital and Technology Team
- Privacy Notice for Cabinet Office Intranet
- Privacy notice for Cabinet Office secure IT platform
- Privacy notice for telephony, broadband and conference call facilities provided to staff
- Privacy notice for IT Service Desk platform
- Privacy notice for Cabinet Office People Finder
- Privacy notice for Cabinet Office OFFICIAL IT platform
- Privacy Notice for the Information and Data Exchange
Disability Unit
Economic and Domestic Secretariat
Fraud, Error, Debt and Grants
- Internal Fraud Register privacy notice
- National Fraud Initiative privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for Spotlight Counter Fraud Checks
Geospatial Commission
Government Commercial Function
- Civil Service Contract Management privacy policy
- Commercial Fast Stream privacy notice
- Commercial Specialist Assessors privacy notice
- Government Commercial Organisation Recruitment privacy notice
- Government Commercial Specialist privacy notice
- Commercial Apprenticeship Registration privacy notice
- Arms Length Bodies privacy notice
Government Communication Service
- Cabinet Office Digital Advertising privacy notice
- Cabinet Office Social Media privacy notice
- Civil Service News privacy notice
- Connecting Diverse Voices
- Fillers Marketing service privacy notice
- GCS Communications Exchange Volunteers privacy notice
- GCS Connect privacy notice
- GCS Data Collection 2024 privacy notice
- GCS Insight and Evaluation Community Online Platform privacy notice
- GCS Locations Mailing List privacy notice
- Government Communication Service Assist privacy notice
- Influencer Marketing Privacy Notice
- International training privacy notice
- Journalist Contact Details privacy notice
- Mailing Lists for Public Sector Communications Professionals privacy notice
- Publicity Campaigns and Events privacy notice
- Social and Digital Media Analysis privacy notice
- Talent schemes privacy notice
- Privacy Notices for Content Involving Members of the Public
Government Digital Service
- GDS Privacy Notices are available on their Personal Information Charter.
Government in Parliament Group
- House of Lords Business Managers’ Office privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for Commons Business Managers
Government Security Group
- UK National Security Authority privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for Common Law Disclosure Scheme
- Government Security Profession Database privacy notice
- Government Security Awards 2022 privacy notice
- Government Security Profession (GSP) Smart Survey Privacy Notice
- Privacy Notice for Government Security Group newsletters
- Security and integrity standards privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for UKSV Learning and Development
Historic records and inquiries
Privacy notice for Cabinet Office historic records and inquiries
Infrastructure and Projects Authority
- IPA cross-government transformation community privacy notice
- IPA Senior Responsible Officer Database privacy notice
- IPA Transformation Associates privacy notice
- Privacy notice for Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP)
- Project Delivery Profession and Standards Team privacy notice
- Privacy Notice for PFI Centre of Excellence
Joint Intelligence Organisation
National Security Secretariat
- Privacy Notice for Crisis, Incident and Event management
- National Security and Investment Act 2021: privacy notice
Office of Government Property
Office for Equality and Opportunity
- Privacy notice for Office for Equality and Opportunity user research
- Privacy notice for gender pay gap evidence-based actions for employers
Office for Veterans’ Affairs
Prime Minister’s Office
- 10 Downing Street correspondence, communications, gifts and hospitality privacy notice
- 10 Downing Street privacy notice for children
- 10 Downing Street privacy notice for contact details
Private Office Group
- Cabinet Office Ministerial Diaries privacy notice
- Privacy information relating to honours nominations
- Privacy notice for government transparency data
- Privacy notice for the Lord Holmes Review
- Privacy notice for the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Sponsorship Team
- Privacy Notice for Research Project on Freedom of Information Requests
- Privacy Notice for Crown and Lord Chancellor Church Appointments
Procurement Review Unit
- Public Procurement Review Service privacy notice
- Procurement Compliance Service privacy notice
- Debarment Review Service privacy notice
Public Sector Fraud Authority
Security and Estates
- Privacy notice for Estates and Security in Cabinet Office managed buildings, and Cabinet Office business continuity
- National Security Vetting privacy notice
- Privacy notice - Cabinet Office visitors
- Privacy notice - Cabinet Office CCTV coverage
- Privacy Notice for Business Continuity Communications with CO staff
Privacy notices: Arms Length Bodies
Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
Crown Commercial Service
Government Property Agency
- Government Property Agency external privacy notice
- Privacy notice for users and visitors to buildings managed by Engie on behalf of the Government Property Agency
- Privacy notice for users and visitors to buildings managed by Interserve on behalf of the Government Property Agency