
Membership of the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC).

The CAC Chairman, Mr Stephen Redmond, appoints a panel of 3 people to decide each application. Each panel consists of a Deputy Chair, one Employer Member and one Worker Member. Appointments to the CAC are made by the Secretary of State for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Deputy chairs

Name Profession
Professor Alan Bogg Professor of Labour Law, University of Bristol; Barrister, Old Square Chambers
Benjimin Burgher Regional Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), London East Region
Naeema Choudry Solicitor (England & Wales) and Partner at Eversheds Sutherland and Fee Paid Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales)
Susan Cox Retired Employment Judge (England & Wales)
Lisa Gettins Solicitor (England & Wales); Director, Employee Relations EMEA - Adobe Systems Europe
Jonathan Gray Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), South West Region
Andrew James Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), North East Region
Rohan Pirani Regional Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), South West Region
Laura Prince K.C. Barrister at Matrix Chambers and specialist in Employment law
Stuart Robertson Regional Employment Judge, Employment Tribunals (England & Wales), North-East Region
Paul Swann Regional Employment Judge ( England & Wales) Midlands East Region

Members with experience as representatives of employers

Name Profession
Amanda Ashworth Non-Legal Member of the Employment Tribunal. Previously held a number of senior ER roles across the retail, manufacturing, chemicals and utilities sectors
Julia Buck Head of HR Operations, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Employment Tribunal Non-legal Member
David Cadger People Director, Justice & Immigration at Serco Limited
Joe Corcos Independent HR consultant and Former Public Sector Director of People
Derek Devereux HR Coach and Mentor, Former HR Director of Constellation Europe and Matthew Clark
Deborah England HR Consultant working in education and charity sectors, Non-Legal member of the Employment Tribunal Service and Charity Trustee. Formerly worked in senior HR roles in Higher Education and Financial Services.
Mustafa Faruqi Employee Relations Director for BT Group
Richard Fulham Independent Employee Relations Consultant; previously held senior employee relations roles across consumer healthcare, energy and financial services sectors
Kieran Grimshaw Senior Director of HR Business advisory and employee relations at Equinix; formerly Head of Employee Relations and European HR at easyJet
Susan Jordan NED, Former VPHR/DHL
Alastair Kelly Assistant Chief Officer for Leicestershire Police
Martin Kirke HR Consultant, Coach and Non-Executive Director, Previously Chief People Officer
Robert Light Board Chair and Non-Executive Director, Former Local Government Leader
Rob Lummis Chair of Trustees, Jaguar Land Rover Trustees Limited, formerly Group Employee Relations Director, Jaguar Land Rover
Sean Mcllveen Managing Director at Infinite Perspective Consulting Ltd
Alistair Paton Senior Director, Colleague Relations, ASDA
Mark Pennifold Current NHSPRB Member, Magistrate & NED, ex-CPO of Essar Oil (UK) Ltd and a former HRD at Nissan Sunderland, Jaguar Land Rover and Tata Chemicals (Europe) Ltd
John Rawling Independent People Management Consultant; Experienced HR Director; independent committee member

Members with experience as representatives of workers

Name Profession
Joanna Brown Former Chief Executive, the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCP) and the College of Podiatry (COP)
Christopher Burrows Former Chairman of Greater Manchester Police Federation and No1 CopperPot Credit Union. Currently Senior Stakeholder Manager in the construction industry
Nicholas Childs Senior Regional Officer for the National Education Union
Nigel Cotgrove Former national officer at the Communication Workers’ Union
Steve Gillan General Secretary of Prison Officers Association; and member of the TUC General Council
Ian Hanson QPM Former Chairman of Greater Manchester Police Federation, Lay Member of the General Optical Council Fitness to Practise Panel, Lay Member of the Nursing & Midwifery Council Fitness to Practise Panel, and Independent Member of the Taxation Disciplinary Board
Brian Hooper Former Trade Union Official, Executive Council Member, FBU
Dr Steve Jary National Secretary, Prospect and Member of the London Central Employment Tribunal
Joanne Kaye Former regional secretary UNISON South West, Non-Legal Member Employment Tribunals
Paul Moloney National Officer, Pharmacists Defence Association Union and Consultant, British Airline Pilots Association
Paul Morley Regional Development Officer for the National Education Union
Paul Noon OBE Former General Secretary, Prospect
Andy Peart Industrial Relations Manager, Brighton and Hove City Council, Non-Legal Employment Tribunal Member at London South, Former Assistant General Secretary (NEU)
Tim Rose Former General Secretary of Nationwide Group Staff Union (NGSU)
Matt Smith OBE DL JP Former Scottish Secretary, UNISON
Sean Starbuck Former National Officer for the Fire Brigades Union
Morris Stemp Orchestras and H&S Official Musicians’ Union, Non-Legal Member of the Employment Tribunal in the North West
Claire Sullivan Director, Employment Relations and Union Services, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy