About us

The Central Digital and Data Office leads the Government Digital and Data function for government.

We put the right conditions in place to achieve digital, data and technology transformation at scale by working with departments, and other government functions like commercial, project delivery and security professionals.



What we do


Our vision is that by 2025 the UK government will be a transformed, more efficient digital government that provides better outcomes for everyone. To do this our strategy is focused on six key missions:

  • Transformed public services that achieve the right outcomes
  • One Login for Government
  • Better data to power decision making
  • Efficient, secure and sustainable technology
  • Digital skills at scale
  • A system that unlocks digital transformation

Find out more about CDDO and government’s Transforming for a Digital Future: Government’s 2022-25 Roadmap for Digital and Data.

Who we are

We’re based in London, Bristol and Manchester.

Find out more about the Digital Advisory Board that provides independent advice to the government’s digital data and technology function.

If you are a civil servant working in digital and data and would like to know all the latest government digital transformation news, subscribe to the monthly X-Gov bulletin.

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