Our governance

The non-executive board of the Charity Commission.

The board

Whilst day-to-day and operational management is delegated to our Chief Executive, our board is ultimately responsible for all that we do. This includes:

  • our purpose and strategy
  • our overall performance
  • our values, integrity and reputation
  • how we meet our statutory objectives and use our legal powers
  • our business direction and strategy
  • our management team’s performance, governance standards and delivery against plans

Our board pays particular attention to:

  • maximising our impact and effectiveness
  • identifying and managing risks
  • maintaining our independence from government and the sector we regulate
  • making sure we use public funds prudently
  • making sure we act fairly, responsibly, transparently, proportionately and ethically


Register of Board Members’ Interests 2024

David Holdsworth, Chief Executive

Current work Chief Executive Officer, Charity Commission
Current unpaid work N/A
Recent former paid work CEO, Animal Plant Health Agency
Current trusteeships None
Former trusteeships Council of Deans of Health (ceased June 2024)
Other N/A

Orlando Fraser, Chair

Current work Barrister/KC - Lincoln’s Inn
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work None
Current trusteeships None
Former trusteeships None
Other (current) N/A

Pippa Britton OBE

Current work • Vice Chair, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
• Welsh Government Healthy Weight Ambassador
• Vice Chair, British Paralympic Association
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work •Vice Chair, UK Anti-Doping (ceased Oct 2022)
•Vice Chair, Sport Wales (ceased Oct 2023)
Current trusteeships Board Member, British Paralympic Association Trust
Former trusteeships • Disability Sport Wales (ceased 2017)
• UWC Atlantic College (ceased 03 March 2023)
• Sport Wales Trust (ceased October 2023)
Other (current) N/A

Rory Brooks CBE

Current work None – retired
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work Founder/Chair, MML Capital Partners (ceased Jan 2023)
Current trusteeships Rory & Elizabeth Brooks Foundation
Former trusteeships • IntoUniversity (ceased Feb 2024)
• Quintessentially Foundation (ceased Feb 2024)
• Centre for Social Justice Foundation (ceased Jun 2023)
Other (current) Manchester University: 3 Advisory Boards

Shrenik Davda

Current work • Partner, NECP LLP
• Board Lay Member, IPSO
• Vice Chair of Supervisory Board, NLB dd (Slovenia)
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work None
Current trusteeships None
Former trusteeships • Trustee, TMT Education Trust (Kenya)
• Trustee, The Welfare Association (UK)
• Trustee, The Mango Tree Orphan Support Programme (UK)
Other (current) N/A

William Lifford

Current work Board Member, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work • Board Member, Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (ceased Mar 2020)
• Chair, Yorkshire Housing (ceased Sep 2021)
Current trusteeships Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust
Former trusteeships St Gemma’s Hospice (ceased 26 Jan 2023)
Other (current) N/A

Ann Phillips

Current work Part-time Consultant, Stone King LLP
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work Partner, Stone King LLP (ceased Apr 2020)
Current trusteeships Trustee, Highfields Trust CIO
Former trusteeships • Creativity, Culture and Education (ceased Sep 2018)
• The Poetry Society (ceased Nov 2023)
Other (current) N/A

Joanne Prowse

Current work • CEO, Phone-paid Services Authority
• Independent NED, The One Touch Switching Company
Current unpaid work None
Recent former paid work None
Current trusteeships Trustee, Chorleywood Music
Former trusteeships None
Other (current) • Director, Chorleywood Music Productions Ltd
• Producer, Rickmansworth Young Musician Competition

Mark Simms OBE

Current work CEO, P3 Charity Group
Current unpaid work • Board Member, Big Issue Changing Lives CIC
• Board Member, New Leaf CIC
Recent former paid work None
Current trusteeships None
Former trusteeships • Board Member, Big Issue Invest (ceased Sept 2023)
• Trustee, HomelessLink (ceased Sept 2023)
Other (current) None

2018 Governance framework

The commission’s governance framework sets out the roles, responsibilities and procedures for the effective and efficient conduct of its business.

Read the Commission’s governance framework.

Charity Commission Strategy 2024 to 2029

Our ambition is to be the expert Charity Commission that is fair, balanced, and independent so that charity can thrive.

Five priorities describe the Commission’s key areas of focus, as well as the steps it will take to fulfil these ambitions:

  1. We will be fair and proportionate in our work and clear about our role.
  2. We will support charities to get it right but take robust action where we see wrongdoing and harm.
  3. We will speak with authority and credibility, free from the influence of others.
  4. We will embrace technological innovation and strengthen how we use our data.
  5. We will be the expert Commission - where our people are empowered and enabled to deliver excellence in regulation.

Read the Charity Commission Strategy 2024 to 2029 for more information.