
Members and code of conduct for the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK.

We have up to 14 Commissioners and a Chair, appointed by the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs in line with the Public Appointments Commissioner’s governance code.


Professor Robin Mason, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) at University of Birmingham.

Deputy Chair

Professor Morag McDonald, Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at Bangor University.


  • Professor Liz Baggs, Chair of Food and Environmental Security and Deputy Dean of Research for Strategic Change in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh
  • Aisling Conboy, Senior Programme Director at Wilton Park
  • Professor Sarah Hawkes, Professor of Global Public Health at University College London
  • Professor Allan Hill, Professor of Population and International Health Emeritus in the School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences at the University of Southampton
  • Professor Kevin Ibeh, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) and Professor of Marketing and International Business at Birkbeck, University of London
  • Professor Parmjit Jat, Professor of Molecular Cellular Biology at University College London (UCL) and Medical Research Council (MRC) Investigator within the MRC Prion Unit at UCL
  • Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa, President and CEO of Delta Philanthropies, Higherlife Foundation, and Akello
  • Ryan Shorthouse, Founder and Executive Chair of the independent thinktank Bright Blue
  • Dr Christine Thuranira-McKeever, Director of Distance Learning at the Royal Veterinary College

Code of conduct

The CSC code of conduct explains how Commissioners follow key principles of public life, carry out their duties, and use public funds and official resources and information. Commissioners also note the rules on conflicts of interest and apply the code of conduct in conjunction with these.


All positions on the CSC are part-time. The only member of the CSC to receive payment is the Chair, who is paid an honorarium of £12,000 per annum. Other Commissioners receive travel and other out-of-pocket expenses only. Commissioners who review scholarship applications and attend selection committee meetings also receive an honorarium of £300 per meeting.