Publication scheme
This publication scheme lists information that Companies House publishes.
You can find specific documents for Companies House using the publication search.
If the information you want is not published here, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act.
You can also search through previous responses to freedom of information (FOI) requests.
Who we are and what we do
This information covers our organisational details, structures, locations and contacts. This includes:
What we spend and how we spend it
This is where we publish financial information about projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits. This includes:
- annual reports and reviews
- details of all spending for transactions over the value of £500
- data on how long we take to pay invoices
- our procurement procedures
What our priorities are and how we’re doing
This category covers departmental strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews, including:
- our strategy
- our business plan
- annual report and accounts
- independent adjudicators reports
- our statistics
How we make decisions
This is where we publish details of our decision-making processes and records of our decisions. These include consultations on:
- corporate transparency and register reform
- powers of the registrar
- implementing the ban on corporate directors
- improving the quality and value of financial information on the UK companies register
Other records of our decisions can be found on the National Archives.
Our examination procedures are available by emailing
Our policies and procedures
This category covers our protocols, policies and procedures for providing services, and responsibilities, including our:
- complaints procedure
- personal information charter
- records management policy
- records appraisal and selection policy
- enforcement policy
- approach to financial penalties
- information security and assurance policy
- public task, copyright and Crown copyright
- health and safety policy
- environmental policy
- equality and diversity policy
- Welsh language scheme
Lists and registers
Details of our public registers, asset registers and disclosure logs. This includes:
- the public register of company information
- the register of disqualifications
- our disclosure logs listing all FOI releases
- standard industrial classification (SIC) of economic activities
- Companies House fees
Open data and datasets
You can find datasets published by Companies House on
Feedback and complaints about the scheme
We want our publication scheme to meet the needs of our users. If you have any comments or complaints about the scheme email or write to us:
Information Rights
Companies House
Crown Way
CF14 3UZ