Statistics at Companies House

Companies House releases quarterly and annual statistics on company register activity and register size, and annual figures on late filing penalties.

Latest statistics

Read our most recent statistics or find out when we plan to publish future statistical releases.

You can find statistics released before October 2014 on The National Archives.


Incorporated companies in the UK

Our Incorporated companies in the UK publication provides statistics on company incorporations and dissolutions. This includes the total and effective register sizes for all companies, public limited companies (PLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs).

It also provides statistics on those in liquidation and other forms of insolvency.

Before July 2016, this release was published on a monthly basis. We now publish the release on a quarterly basis, with statistics published in the month following the end of each quarter.

Companies register activities

Our Companies register activities provides annual figures on incorporations, dissolutions and total and effective register sizes. This includes information on the average age of companies on the register, including those in liquidation or the process of dissolution.

It also provides information on other corporate body types that are regulated by the legislation relevant to Companies House.

These annual statistics cover the period from 1 April to 31 March. The report is published each year in the summer following the end of the financial year.

Management information tables

Our Management information provides annual figures for private limited companies, PLCs and LLPs, including:

  • compliance rates for confirmation statements and annual accounts
  • late filing penalties imposed, and appeals received
  • prosecutions by the department under the Companies Act 2006
  • disqualification orders notified to the Secretary of State in the UK
  • documents filed with us
  • annual accounts registered with us by accounts type
  • searches of company records at Companies House

These statistics cover the period from 1 April to 31 March. The report is published each year in the summer following the end of the financial year.

Definition of terms

Our Definitions to accompany our statistical releases explains the main terms we use in our official statistics publications.

Information about the quality of our official statistics

Our official statistics quality information document allows users to judge if the data is of sufficient quality for their intended use.

Contact us about statistics

We welcome any comments on our statistics releases at