Our governance

CMA board

The CMA board will:

  • ensure that the CMA fulfils its statutory duties and functions and that the principles of good corporate governance are observed
  • establish the overall strategic direction of the CMA that fits within the policy framework laid down under the ERR Act 2013
  • have regard to any opinions and reports of the CMA Accounting Officer and ensure that the CMA makes appropriate use of public funds

The board is also responsible for:

  • deciding whether to publish a market study notice and whether to refer a market for a phase 2 investigation
  • considering the proposals for the annual plan
  • the annual performance and concurrency reports
  • making rules of procedure for merger reference groups, market reference groups, and special reference groups.

The CMA board’s rules of procedures set out how often the board will meet, quorum, procedure at meetings, and other formal information.

The board has authorised the Chair, CMA staff, and the Panel Chair to carry out specific functions on its behalf. Please see the board authorisation document for detail.

The board has agreed a conflicts of interest policy for the CMA, which applies to board members, panel members, and members of staff. As part of this, a register of interests for board members has been developed and published on the CMA website.

Board members

Board advisors

CMA panel

Some functions of the CMA must be performed by the CMA panel. Panel members have clearly defined responsibilities and act as fresh decision-makers in phase 2 market investigations, merger inquiries and regulatory references and appeals. Panel members may also be appointed to antitrust (Competition Act 1998) case decision groups.

Members are appointed to the CMA panel by the Department for Business and Trade for up to 8 years. They are appointed through open competition for their experience, ability and diversity of skills in competition economics, law, finance and business.

The panel consists of 33 members and includes a small group of Inquiry Chairs. The CMA Chair, with the consent of the board, appoints a CMA Panel Chair who has overall responsibility for leading the panel, and who allocates Inquiry Chairs and panel members to each case. At least one panel member (usually the Panel Chair and one other Inquiry Chair) is also appointed to the CMA board.

The board’s oversight role does not extend into the substance of decisions by groups on phase 2 work. The groups make their decisions independently of the board. The board is kept informed about resourcing, efficiency, the application of CMA policy and the staff processes that support the work of the panel.

Panel Chair and Inquiry Chair

Inquiry Chairs

Panel members

More information about each of the members is available in the panel member biographies and disclosures of interest. The CMA also has a code of conduct for panel members that sets out their general obligations.

For any queries regarding the panel members, please email panel.members@cma.gov.uk.

CMA committees and advisory panels

Board committees

Standing Counsel panel

To continue to make robust decisions and achieve successful outcomes in court, the CMA needs to be able to call upon a panel of highly specialist counsel who can:

  • give priority to the CMA’s cases
  • represent the CMA in court
  • help provide bespoke training to CMA staff

The CMA first established its Standing Counsel in 2015 and has since been expanded to meet the CMA’s growing requirements. The panel now comprises 20 experienced members, each of whom brings a wealth of expertise across the CMA’s activities.

The panel includes 7 silks:

The panel also includes 13 juniors:

OIM panel

The Office for the Internal Market (OIM) is part of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The OIM Panel assists the OIM in carrying out its functions, as set out in the UK Internal Market Act. The Chair of the OIM Panel, Murdoch MacLennan, sits on the CMA Board.

OIM Panel Chair

OIM Panel members