About us

The Competition Commission closed on 1 April 2014. Its functions have transferred to the [Competition and Markets Authority](http://www.gov.uk/cma) (CMA). View the [closed CC site in the UK Government Web Archive]( http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20140402141250/http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/). ##Use services and information now provided by other organisations ###Anti-competitive behaviour and issues with market sectors You can: * [tell the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tell-the-cma-about-a-competition-or-market-problem) about: * anti-competitive practices (eg price fixing and bid rigging) * a market not working well * unfair terms in a contract * any issues related to poor competition * find out how to [avoid and report anti-competitive behaviour](/cartels-price-fixing) * find out how to [avoid unfair terms in sales contracts](/unfair-terms-in-sales-contracts)

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts