Terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Council for Science and Technology.


1. The Council for Science and Technology (CST) is responsible for providing independent advice to the Prime Minister and Cabinet on strategic science, engineering, technology and innovation issues that cut across the responsibilities of individual government departments.  

2. CST was established in 1993 as the government’s top-level advisory body on science and technology. 


3. CST provides impartial and evidence-based advice to the Prime Minister and Cabinet on: 

  • what the government’s high-level priorities for science and technology should be to deliver the government’s national missions; 

  • emerging and long-term scientific and technological developments, including opportunities and risks relating to: 

    • science and research capability 

    • innovation and economy growth 

    • health and quality of life within the UK 

    • sustainable development and resilience 

  • how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can be developed and sustained in the UK (e.g., through skills and international partnerships); 

  • the UK’s science and innovation system, including issues relating to UK research, development, and innovation institutions; 

  • other matters requested by the Prime Minister, ministers, or considered important by the Council; and 

  • topics requested by the Science and Technology Cabinet Committee. 

4. CST’s relationship with government should always be based on openness and transparency, respecting each other’s roles and responsibilities, and CST’s independence. 


5. CST is co-chaired by an independent co-chair and the Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA), who is appointed ex-officio. 

6. CST is classified as an expert committee supported by a Secretariat that is based in the Government Office for Science. The Secretariat should at all times respect the Council’s independent role. 


7. CST is comprised of leading national and international experts from across academia, business and finance. 

8. The Prime Minister appoints and reappoints members to CST. Appointments and reappointments are made in accordance with the ‘Governance code for public appointments’. CST members are appointed for three-year terms and will not be appointed for more than two terms. 


9. CST members meet on a quarterly basis. Members are not permitted to appoint a deputy to attend in their place if they are unable to attend.  

10. CST will meet with the Prime Minister at least once annually and meet with other ministers, government officials (including the Cabinet Secretary, Permanent Secretaries and departmental Chief Scientific Advisers) and external experts based on the subject matter under consideration. 

11. CST quarterly meetings are attended by government observers (senior officials from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and HM Treasury). Other government officials may be invited to attend on the agreement of the CST co-chairs where there are relevant agenda items. 

12. CST convenes subgroups of members and external experts outside of quarterly meetings to develop advice on specific issues. 

13. CST regularly engage with international Presidential and Prime Ministerial advisory councils on science and technology to inform the Council’s workplan and to share expertise and best practice. 

Work plan 

14. The independent co-chair is responsible for coordinating an annual work plan for CST, working with the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.  

15. The Council’s advice is based on commissions from the Prime Minister and other ministers, and on suggestions from members. Commissions are subject to the discretion of the CST co-chairs. 

16. Room will be left in the work programme for CST to respond to urgent requests from the Prime Minister or Cabinet as necessary. When advice is required urgently, the CST independent co-chair may act on the behalf of the Council. 

17. Further information on the Council can be found in the CST ways of working guidance. 


18. For queries about the Council for Science and Technology, email: CSTSecretariat@go-science.gov.uk