Defence and Security Accelerator
Veterans’ Health Innovation Fund: Report
Corporate report
This report examines three innovative projects funded through the Veterans’ Health Innovation Fund competition

The University of Aberdeen has developed a state-of-the-art underwater holographic camera with DASA support, enabling rapid real-time analysis of marine life in impressive detail

Filling the gap: New DASA Market Exploration seeks novel Non-Compressible Haemorrhage technologies
News story
New and innovative technologies for controlling Non-Compressible Haemorrhages are being sought by Research and Clinical Innovation (RCI) Research, Surgeon General’s Department

DASA, MOD and the Home Office are seeking proposals that will address the problem of providing dermal protection against liquid chemical contamination.

Innovation for a Safer Future: DASA Strategy 2024 - 2026
Corporate report
DASA’s revised strategy reinforces our position as an exemplar innovation organisation that promotes best practice in Defence and Security across Government

DASA Annual Review 2023-24
Corporate report
The Defence and Security Accelerator has published its Annual Review 2023-2024 demonstrating the progress made during the past year.

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The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) finds and funds exploitable innovation for a safer future.
DASA is part of the Ministry of Defence.
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