Our governance
The main decision-making, executive and managerial bodies at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is an arm’s length body, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Its governance is described in the Dstl Framework Document and the MOD Accounting Officer System Statement.
Dstl’s Chief Executive is accountable to Parliament as the Accounting Officer. It is the Chief Executive’s responsibility to ensure that there is a sound system of governance, risk management and internal control in place.
The Sponsor for Dstl is MOD’s Chief Operating Officer.
Dstl Board
The Dstl Board exercises strategic oversight of Dstl in the delivery of its objectives. It is led by an independent Chair with other Board members including non-executive members and one representative from MOD.
The role of the Dstl Board is to:
- provide a forum for independent, non-executive, support and reasonable challenge to the Dstl Chief Executive and Executive Directors
- review and endorse the Corporate Plan, business plans and investment proposals above the delegation of the chief executive before submission to the Department
- monitor performance and outputs against plans and forecasts
- ensure that Dstl is operating in compliance with relevant policies and standards
The members of the Board are:
- Adrian Belton, non-executive Chair
- Brian Bowsher, non-executive member
- Robert MacLeod, non-executive member
- Mark Barclay, non-executive member
- Sarah Spurgeon, non-executive member
- Tara Usher, non-executive member (MOD)
- Paul Hollinshead, Chief Executive Officer
- Andy Bell, Chief Science and Technology Officer
- Rob Cocks, Chief Finance Officer
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)
The ARAC is a sub-committee of the Dstl Board and has responsibility for oversight and scrutiny of the Dstl’s risk management, internal controls and governance arrangements.
Dstl Executive Management Committee (EMC)
The EMC provides day-to-day leadership and management to ensure that Dstl’s strategic direction is appropriate and that Dstl operates safely and securely.
The EMC leads the:
- development and implementation of strategy, plans, policies and budgets.
- assessment and control of risk
- monitoring of business delivery and financial performance
- monitoring of key stakeholder feedback and engagement
The members of the EMC are:
- Paul Hollinshead, Chief Executive Officer
- Andy Bell, Chief Science and Technology Officer
- Rob Cocks, Chief Finance Officer
- Simon Donnan, Chief Operating Officer
- Tim Sheldon, Chief Delivery Officer
- Teresa Stanley, Chief People Officer