Publication scheme
This publication scheme specifies the categories of information that BEIS and its agencies regularly publish and explains how to get that information.
You can find specific documents for this department using the publication search.
If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act.
You can also search through previous responses to Freedom of Information requests.
Who we are and what we do
This information covers our organisational details, structures, locations and contacts. This includes:
- our organisational structure, roles and responsibilities
- details of our ministers’ meetings with external organisations
- details of senior staff’s meetings with external organisations
- details of special advisers’ meetings with external organisations
- information about the organisations the department is responsible for, works in partnership with, or sponsors
- legislation relevant to our functions
- our answers to Parliamentary Questions
- our location and contact details
What we spend and how we spend it
This is where we publish financial information about projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits. This includes:
- our annual accounts
- spending for transactions over £25,000
- contracts and tenders worth over £10,000
- government procurement card spend over £500
- financial audit reports published by the National Audit Office
- our ministers’ allowances and expenses
- our senior staff and board members’ allowances and expenses
What our priorities are and how we are doing
This information covers departmental strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews, including:
- our outcome delivery plan
- our annual reports
- our Permanent Secretary’s objectives
- the impact assessments we have made
- our statistics
How we make decisions
This is where we publish details of our decision-making processes and records of our decisions. These include:
- the department’s major policy proposals and decisions
- our research and analysis
- our public consultations
Our policies and procedures
This information covers our protocols, policies and procedures for providing services, and responsibilities, including:
- how we conduct departmental business
- our complaints procedure
- our records management and personal data policies
Lists and registers
This is where we publish details of the department’s public registers, asset registers and disclosure logs, including:
- our public registers and registers held as public records
- the department’s disclosure logs listing FOI requests
- the register of gifts for ministers and special advisers
- a register of ministers’ interests
Data and datasets
Datasets published by BEIS can be found on