Our governance

Decision-making, executive and managerial bodies in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

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Departmental Board

The Departmental Board forms the collective strategic and operational leadership of the department. Chaired by the Secretary of State, its members include the ministerial team, Non-Executive Board Members, the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and the Finance and Commercial Director. It meets four times per year.


Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee supports the Departmental Board and the Accounting Officer by providing independent scrutiny, support and challenge of DCMS’s arrangements for governance, risk management and control. Chaired by Hemant Patel, it includes the DCMS Claudia Arney and two independent members (Phill Wells and Brian Porritt). The Permanent Secretary, Directors General, Finance and Commercial Director, Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA) and National Audit Office (NAO) all attend meetings. It meets five times per year.


  • Hemant Patel, Non-Executive Board Member and Audit and Risk Committee Chair (Chair)
  • Claudia Arney, Lead Non-Executive Board Member
  • Phill Wells, Independent Member
  • Brian Porritt, Independent Member
  • William Priest, Independent Member  
  • Joanna Rowland, Independent Member

Executive Board

The Executive Board provides the day to day leadership of the department, overseeing delivery in support of ministers’ objectives and reviewing budgets across the department. It is chaired by the Permanent Secretary and membership comprises the Directors General, Director of Corporate Strategy, Director of Finance and Commercial and Director of People and Workplace. It meets twice per month. EB is supported in its decision making by a Shadow Board with representation of all grades below SCS2.


  • Sarah Healey, Permanent Secretary (Chair)
  • Susannah Storey, Director General for Digital and Media
  • Sam Lister, Director General for Strategy and Operations
  • Ruth Hannant, Director General for Culture, Sport and Civil Society (Jobshare)
  • Polly Payne, Director General for Culture, Sport and Civil Society (Jobshare)
  • Jacinda Humphry, Director, Finance and Commercial
  • Patrick Curry, Director, Corporate Strategy
  • Sarah Tebbutt, Director, People and Workplace

The Executive Board is supported by the following committees:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving business cases for major projects (including museum loans) with a total whole life cost that either exceeds £15m or exceeds a public body’s delegated limit, where relevant. It is supported by the Investment Sub-Committee and is chaired by the Finance and Commercial Director.

People and Operations Committee (POpCo)

POpCo is responsible for creating the most appropriate environment for staff development and talent attraction. It creates and sustains the right culture and values for DCMS. It ensures the department has robust policies, processes and systems for HR, IT and Knowledge Management, and that the department has a modern, dynamic and secure working environment. It is chaired by the Director General for Strategy and Operations.

Performance, Assurance and Risk Committee (PARCo)

PARCo is responsible for creating an environment that allows DCMS to effectively manage performance and risk across its portfolio of policy work and projects. It provides assurance that the department’s policies, procedures and systems in this area are fit for purpose. It is chaired by the Director General for Digital and Media.

Major Programmes Committee (MPC)

MPC provides strategic oversight and assurance on the department’s portfolio of major programmes and projects. This portfolio primarily consists of projects included in the Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). The committee reviews a pipeline of projects above £15m at each meeting and decides if any of these need to be added to the portfolio. It is chaired by the Directors General for Culture, Sport and Civil Society.

Annual report and accounts 2020-2021