Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme statistics
This series brings together all documents relating to Renewable Heat Premium Payment statistics.
The Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) scheme was a government financial support scheme which provided one-off grants to help householders and landlords with the cost of installing eligible renewable heat technologies.
The RHPP scheme closed on 31 March 2014 and support in the take-up of renewable heat technologies in the domestic sector is now provided by the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive.
The Energy Trends article and accompanying statistical release provide a summary of the deployment of the RHPP scheme. Statistics are reported on the number of vouchers issued, vouchers claims, installed capacity and estimated heat generated based on data available as at November 2014.
Energy Trends article
Monthly deployment data
Updates to this page
New version of collection page published.
Quarterly and monthly stats updated.
February 2015 data added.
Publication of RHI deployment data: January 2014.
December 2014 monthly and quarterly statistical updates published today.
Monthly and quarterly RHI and RHPP stats release
July stats published today.
Updated with May 2014 statistics.
Statistics for February have been added to the collection.
RHI and RHPP deployment data added for January 2014.
New monthly and quarterly statistics added.
First published.