Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee

Latest from the Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee

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What we do

We are an independent expert committee established by the Transport Act 1985, providing advice to the government on the transport needs of disabled people.

DPTAC works with the Department for Transport.

Read more about what we do


Transparency and freedom of information releases

See all transparency and freedom of information releases

Our management

Contact DPTAC

General enquiries

Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
C/O DPTAC Secretariat
Public Transport and Local Group
Fourth Floor, The Colmore Building
20 Colmore Circus Queensway Birmingham
B4 6AT
United Kingdom

DPTAC is an expert committee that advises the government. DPTAC doesn't advise members of the public. If you are a member of the public with a query about transport, please contact the Department for Transport.

Make an FOI request

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
  3. Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.

Freedom of Information requests

Corporate information

Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information.