
Details of our working groups and subcommittees and latest meeting minutes.

The Forensic Science Regulator has established several specialist working groups to advise on specific areas of forensic science and to undertake studies within their areas of expertise.

Forensic Science Advisory Council

The Forensic Science Advisory Council (FSAC) supports and advises the regulator on:

  • setting and monitoring compliance with quality standards in the provision of forensic science services
  • arranging the accreditation of those supplying forensic science services to the police, including in-house police services
  • procedures for validating and approving new technologies and applications in the field of forensic science
  • setting and monitoring compliance with standards relating to national forensic science databases, including the National DNA Database
  • the quality of academic and educational courses in forensic science
  • international developments relevant to forensic science quality standards

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

Contamination Specialist Group

This group supported the regulator and the FSAC by providing advice on and developing standards for the identification, avoidance, management and control of contamination of exhibits, or other evidence, at all stages of the forensic process.

The work of the contamination specialist group has been taken forward by the DNASG and QSSG. Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

Biology Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator by providing advice and guidance to the regulator on all matters related to the Biology Forensic Science Activities (FSAs) delivered to the criminal justice system as defined in the code.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

Fingerprint Quality Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator through reviewing current options for quality fingerprint standards, the consideration of ongoing fingerprint competence training and providing advice on all matters related to the future preparation, implementation and monitoring of fingerprint quality standards within the remit of the regulator.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

Digital Forensics Specialist Group

This group assists in identifying requirements for new or improved quality standards, applying to the provision of digital forensics services to the police service and the wider criminal justice system.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

DNA Analysis Specialist Group

This group reviews the standards in place as they apply to the National DNA Database and forensic DNA analysis more generally.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

End User Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator and the FSAC by undertaking a one-off study, leading to the specification of an end-user requirement for forensic science services.

The work of the end user specialist group was taken over by the quality standards specialist group. Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

Forensic Pathology Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator and the FSAC by providing advice on forensic pathology quality standards, reviewing current standards, proposing remedies for any shortcomings, developing and publishing guidance.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013, use the archived Home Office website.

Medical Forensics Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator in setting quality standards in the delivery of medical forensic services and expertise to the criminal justice system.

Read the terms of reference:

Read the latest meeting minutes of the medical forensics specialist group.

For previous minutes or versions of the terms of reference, please go to the National Archives.

Quality Standards Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator and the FSAC by providing advice on all matters related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of quality standards within the remit of the regulator.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

For minutes older than 2013 please use the archived Home Office website.

Evidence Assessment Specialist Group

This inactive specialist group was set up to advise the Forensic Science Regulator and Forensic Science Advisory Council on assessing, interpreting and presenting scientific evidence in the criminal justice system. Some of the group’s work has been continued by the quality standards specialist group.

Read the terms of reference:

For previous minutes, please go to the National Archives

Incident Examination Specialist Group

The incident examination specialist group supports the Forensic Science Regulator with recommendations on the preparation, implementation and monitoring of forensic quality standards for incident examinations.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes:

Firearms Specialist Group

This specialist group supports the regulator by providing advice on all matters related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of forensic firearms quality standards and related issues within the remit of the regulator.

Read the latest minutes:

Interpretation Specialist Group

The specialist group will support the regulator by providing advice on all matters related to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of forensic interpretation quality standards and related issues within the remit of the regulator. This will include overarching guidance, as well as guidance specific to Forensic Science Activities (FSAs), or groupings of FSAs.

Drugs and Toxicology Specialist Group

This group supports the regulator by providing advice and guidance on the development of standards and the regulation of drugs and toxicology related Forensic Science Activities (FSAs) as defined in the code.

Read the terms of reference and latest minutes: