Personal information charter

This sets out the standards you can expect from the Government Digital Service (GDS) when we collect, hold or use your personal information.

We will follow all applicable UK data protection laws in how we treat your personal information.

Your rights

When GDS collects, holds, uses or processes your personal information, you have a right to be told:

  • what the data is being used for
  • why we’re legally able to process your data (also called the ‘lawful basis for processing’)
  • how long we will keep your data
  • who we will share it with
  • whether it will be transferred or accessed outside the UK, and what legal protection it will have
  • who our Data Protection Officer is
  • about any rights you have, including the right to access your information or to object to its being used
  • about your right to complain to the Information Commissioner if you feel that your personal information has been mishandled

You are also entitled to have your personal information:

  • protected and kept secure
  • kept accurate and up to date
  • not used for purposes which are incompatible with those for which it was collected
  • kept only for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it was collected (unless it must be kept as part of the historic record)

Privacy notices

These privacy notices explain how specific public-facing GDS platforms and services handle your information:

You can also see privacy notices for:

How to contact us

The data controller for GDS is the Cabinet Office – a data controller determines how and why personal data is processed.

Contact the GDS Privacy Team if you:

  • have any questions about anything in this document
  • think that your personal data has been misused or mishandled
  • want to make a subject access request (SARS)

Cabinet Office (Government Digital Service)
The White Chapel Building
10 Whitechapel High Street
E1 8QS


How to contact the Data Protection Officer

The contact details for our Data Protection Officer are:

Data Protection Officer

Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall

The Data Protection Officer provides independent advice and monitoring of Cabinet Office’s use of personal information.

Independent advice on data protection and privacy

Contact the Information Commissioner for independent advice about data protection, privacy and data-sharing issues.

Information Commissioner's Office


Contact form

Telephone 0303 123 1113

Textphone 01625 545 860